CANTERA – Object-Oriented Software for Reacting Flows
Cantera is a suite of software tools for reacting flow problems and thermodynamics analysis.
- Thermodynamic and transport properties
- Non-ideal equations of state
- Chemical equilibrium
- Reactor networks
- Steady 1D flames
- Reaction path diagrams
- Heterogeneous chemistry
- Open source
- Object-oriented
- Multi-Platform
- Available at
Cantera can be used from several popular programming / problemsolving environments. Interactive and scripting environments such as MATLAB and Python can be used for rapid problem solution and software prototyping. Cantera works with Fortran 90 and C++ for large-scale computation. Additional interfaces can be developed for any application that can call C functions (for example, Excel or Mathematica).
The Kernel
- A C++ class library
- Designed for performance:
- Property caching
- Virtual methods used sparingly
- Templates used to allow inlining at compile time
- Standard Template Library container classes used
- CPU-intensive code hand-optimized
- Uses standard open-source numerical libraries ” BLAS, LAPACK, CVODE
Download Cantera binaries, source code and documentation.
Source Code:
- Introduction to Cantera
- Building Cantera on Windows
- C++ User””s Guide
- Cantera 1.2 Fortran 90 Manual
- Defining Phases and Interfaces
- Using Cantera From Fortran 77
- MixMaster
- Stirred Reactors
Cantera Homepage
Cantera Sourceforge Project
Cantera User””s Group
Frequently Asked Questions